BA Domain:
Business Value Driver:
Capability: TRA
Last Used:
Long FxMetric ID: G-RM-RA-PEg
Reporting Detail:
Accuracy: 2
FxMetric UUID:
Responsibility: RA
Capture Period: Month
Legacy Name: % Recovered and Recoverable Revenue
Metric Special Name:
Metric Value Type:
Metric Type: Ratio
Entry Date: 9/30/2012
Short Metric ID: RA-PEg
Units: Percent
revenue assurance control efficiency by assessing the value that is recovered, discovered and recoverable relative to the total operating revenue
Alt-Cat1: Revenue & Margin
Alt-Cat2: General
Alt-Cat3: Revenue Assurance - Control Efficiency
Category: Business Metric
Measurand: value.revenue
Metric Level:
Metric State: Active
Metric Topic:
This KPI is only about customer revenues but not about 3rd party revenue. It excludes revenue leakages associated with third parties (e.g., interconnect partners, roaming partners, etc.). This KPI measures not the efficiency of RA department of the company but the efficiency of RA process in the company.
Legacy Denominator FxMetric ID: 193
Legacy Denominator Name: SP Operating Revenues
Legacy Factor:
Legacy FxMetric ID: 22
Legacy Numerator FxMetric ID: 158
Legacy Numerator Name: Customer Recovered and Recoverable Revenue
Legacy Prose Ratio: 158: Customer Recovered and Recoverable Revenue / 193: SP Operating Revenues
Customer Recovered and Recoverable Revenue / SP Operating Revenue
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model