BA Domain:
Business Value Driver: decrease revenue loss; decrease problems -> increase customer satisfaction; decrease problems -> decrease operating cost
Capability: TRA
Last Used:
Long FxMetric ID: G-RM-RA-DQa
Reporting Detail:
FxMetric UUID:
Responsibility: RA
Capture Period: Month
Legacy Name: % Data Validated
Metric Special Name:
Metric Value Type:
Preferred: High
Metric Type: Ratio
Entry Date: 9/30/2012
Short Metric ID: RA-DQa
Units: Percent
revenue assurance data quality by assessing the number of validated data records relative to the total number of data records
Alt-Cat1: Revenue & Margin
Alt-Cat2: General
Alt-Cat3: Revenue Assurance - Data Quality
Category: Business Metric
Measurand: artifact.data_record
Metric Level: Detail
Metric State: Active
Metric Topic:
This metric gives the percentage of data validated and forms a basis for all the other KPIs. If the organization has a data warehouse then the number of records added to the data warehouse in the measurement period will be a good estimation for the denominator. As the Numerator, any such data that went through an “effective” validation process.
Legacy Denominator FxMetric ID: 234
Legacy Denominator Name: Total number of data records
Legacy Factor:
Legacy FxMetric ID: 23
Legacy Numerator FxMetric ID: 266
Legacy Numerator Name: Validated data
Legacy Prose Ratio: 266: Validated data / 234: Total number of data records
Total number of validated data records / Total number of data records
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model