BA Domain:
Business Value Driver: decrease problems -> increase customer satisfaction; decrease problems -> decrease operating cost
Capability: BIL
Last Used:
Long FxMetric ID: B-OE-3c
Reporting Detail:
Accuracy: 2
FxMetric UUID:
Responsibility: BMS
Capture Period: Month
Legacy Name: % xDRs Falling Into Suspense
Metric Special Name:
Metric Value Type:
Preferred: Low
Metric Type: Ratio
Entry Date: 9/30/2012
Short Metric ID:
Units: Percent
effectiveness of the Billing process, and opportunities for savings, waste elimination, etc. by assessing the number of session detail records (SDRs) dismissed for errors relative to the total number of SDRs
Alt-Cat1: Operational Efficiency
Alt-Cat2: Billing
Alt-Cat3: Defects, Waste, Rework
Category: Business Metric
Measurand: artifact.xdr
Metric Level:
Metric State: Active
Metric Topic:
Legacy Denominator FxMetric ID: 257
Legacy Denominator Name: Total number of xDRs produced in the capture period
Legacy Factor:
Legacy FxMetric ID: 98
Legacy Numerator FxMetric ID: 127
Legacy Numerator Name: Number of xDRs falling into suspense (or uncharged xDRs for pre-paid). For example, in the case of mobile prepaid, this includes calls, SMS and data xDRs not charged
Legacy Prose Ratio: 127: Number of xDRs falling into suspense (or uncharged xDRs for pre-paid). For example, in the case of mobile prepaid, this includes calls, SMS and data xDRs not charged / 257: Total number of xDRs produced in the capture period
Total number of xDR's in suspense (error status) / Total number of xDRs produced in the capture period
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model