Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Monitor the jeopardy status of open customer bill inquiries
Not used for this process element.
Not used for this process element
The purpose of Monitor Customer Bill Inquiry Jeopardy Status process is to monitor the jeop-ardy status of open customer bill inquiries. This process is responsible for keeping close watch over the resolving progress. When customer bill inquiry isn’t handled in time, this process will escalate customer billing inquiry for notification.
Not used for this process element
Not used for this process element
The purpose of Monitor Customer Bill Inquiry Jeopardy Status process is to monitor the jeop-ardy status of open customer bill inquiries. This process is responsible for keeping close watch over the resolving progress. When customer bill inquiry isn’t handled in time, this process will escalate customer billing inquiry for notification.
Not used for this process element
Not used for this process element
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model