Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Establish and manage customer debt profiles to assist in managing debt recovery and debt risk on a customer, product or customer group basis.
Not used for this process element.
Not used for this process element
The purpose of Establish & Manage Customer Debt Profiles process is to establish and manage customer debt profiles to assist in managing debt recovery and debt risk on a customer, product or customer group basis. The customer debt profile is a part of customer’s profile, which can include customer credit, customer group, overdue date, overdue amounts, overdue occurring times, debt recovery means and occurring times, customer debt recovery response and etc. This process is responsible for keeping updates of the customer debt profiles according to results from Initiate Customer Debt Recovery Activities process.
Not used for this process element
Customer debt profiles assist in managing debt recovery, by determining potential collection tasks, reduce debt risk of debt by governing which exposure levels trigger activity (i.e. total credit limit), influence which customer or customer group can order which products or services. The customer debt profile is a part of customer’s profile, and can influence customer credit, customer group, grace periods, order limits, overdue date, overdue amounts, overdue occurring times, debt recovery means and occurring times, customer debt recovery response and etc. It is typically calculated based on rules and analyses regarding customer behaviour. It is frequently used in conjunction with analysis of churn propensity, value, influence, etc.
Where a static debt profile is maintained for customers, the Establish & Manage Customer Debt Profiles process establishes and periodically manages it. This process is responsible for updating the customer debt profiles, according to changes in base data (such as longevity, value, results from Initiate Customer Debt Recovery Activities process, etc).
Not used for this process element
Other processes may change the base information upon which this process calculates the debt profile.
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