Category: (3) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Monitor the status of customer problem reports, provide notifications of any changes and provide management reports. This includes customer problems caused by security events.
The objective of the Report Customer Problem processes is to monitor the status of customer problem reports, provide notifications of any changes and provide management reports. These processes are responsible for continuously monitoring the status of customer problem reports and managing notifications to processes and other parties registered to receive notifications of any status changes. Notification lists are managed and maintained by the Support Problem Handling processes. These processes record, analyze and assess the customer problem report status changes to provide management reports and any specialized summaries of the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall Problem Handling process. These specialized summaries could be creation of specific reports required by customers and/or other specific audiences. These processes will make the necessary reports about the problem that occurred, the root cause and the activities carried out for recovery of normal operation.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
The objective of the Report Customer Problem processes is to monitor the status of customer problem reports, provide notifications of any changes and provide management reports. Note that "customer problem" is here being used for a specific diificulty experienced by a customer, which may have been raised by the customer, or by other analysis triggered by events or issues identified elsewhere (e.g. through fault notifications from affected resources). In linking with ITIL, this relates to ITIL's "incident" more strongly than with ITIL's "problem" which there is associated with some wider issue where the "problem" has been escalated because individual incidents that are seen as related to this problem cannot be resolved , or because a number of incidents are being investigated to see if there is a common underlying problem for these.
These processes are responsible for continuously monitoring the status of customer problem reports and managing notifications to processes and other parties registered to receive notifications of any status changes. Notification lists are managed and maintained by the Support Problem Handling processes.These processes record, analyze and assess the customer problem report status changes to provide management reports and any specialized summaries of the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall Problem Handling process.
These specialized summaries could be creation of specific reports required by customers and/or other specific audiences.
These processes will make the necessary reports about the problem (in ITIL terms, an "incident" affecting that customer) that occurred, the root cause and the activities carried out for recovery of normal operation.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model