Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Use ongoing analysis of customer trends (e.g. usage, problems, complaints) to identify when the current offerings may no longer be appropriate for the customer, or when the opportunity for a larger sale arises. The purpose is to ensure that the value of the relationship between the customer and service provider is maximized by selling additional, or more of the existing, products.
Not used for this process element
The purpose is to ensure that the value of the relationship between the customer and service provider is maximized by selling additional, or more of the existing, products.
Use ongoing analysis of customer trends (e.g. usage, problems, complaints) to identify when the current offerings may no longer be appropriate for the customer, or when the opportunity for a larger sale arises.
Not used for this process element
The purpose is to ensure that the value of the relationship between the customer and service provider is maximized by selling additional, or more of the existing, products.
Use ongoing analysis of customer trends (e.g. usage, problems, complaints) to identify when the current offerings may no longer be appropriate for the customer, or when the opportunity for a larger sale arises.
Not used for this process element
The supplier enterprise.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model