Category: (2) TAM Application Type
Application Identifier: 7.4.4
Maturity Level: 4
OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization application provide a common inventory view across the applications in Resource Management. This may be a virtual common inventory produced by synchronization of federated inventories, a single inventory system, or some combination of the two.
OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management represents the applications that ensure OSS Inventory data generated in each application is available to other applications as required. OSS Inventory will contain at least resource capacity and service utilization modeling. The synchronization may not be as a result of executing other business processes, but can be dedicated synchronization processes, for example a regular re-synchronization scheduled for off-peak periods. For example, it enables Utilization Management to be updated with new capacity, and for Lifecycle Management to be updated with capacity utilization.
Note that this does not predetermine any implementation solution. It is entirely allowable within Application Map to have, in this example Lifecycle Management and Utilization Management share a common OSS Inventory. The OSS Inventory/Data Synchronization Management application would represent the common inventory in this situation. Note also that Application Map does not restrict any implementation solution to only one instance of each application, so the need for different common inventories and separate synchronization applications is fully accepted.
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