Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 3
Determination of whether policy allows for automated adjustment of a party bill invoice, and approving any resultant adjustments.
Not used for this process element.
Not used for this process element Reserved for future use.
The purpose of Determine Automated Bill Adjustment process is to determine whether policy allows for automated adjustment of the customer bill invoice and approving any resulting ad-justments. When the authorization is approved, this process is responsible for notifying the relevant process to apply the adjustment Reserved for future use.
Not used for this process element Reserved for future use.
Not used for this process element Reserved for future use.
The Determine Automated Bill Adjustment process applies predefined policy to determine whether an automated adjustment should result from the Inquiry. Reserved for future use.
When the authorization is approved, this process is responsible for notifying the relevant process to apply the adjustment Reserved for future use.
Not used for this process element Reserved for future use.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model