Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Assess and investigate customer bill inquiry based on the customer provided information.
Not used for this process element.
Not used for this process element
The purpose of Assess and Investigate Customer Bill Inquiry is to assess and investigate customer bill inquiry based on the customer provided information to determine whether the circumstances leading to the bill inquiry is linked to the underlying services, or other processes. Update the customer bill inquiry report, as required during the assessment.
Not used for this process element
Bill Inquiries may be linked to any financial transaction, and may be cause by the underlying services, the configuration of rate tables, the expiry of credit cards, missmatched or delayed payment processing or a host of other causes.
The Assess and Investigate Customer Bill Inquiry process: assesses the severity of the Inquiry (and hence the amount of effort to expend on its resolution) and investigates what the circumstances leading to the bill inquiry are. It updates the Bill Inquiry to indicate the appropriate resolution activities required.
Not used for this process element
This process requires information from any process that touches the billing data, such as charging, mediation, payments, etc.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model