Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
Verify whether the information supplied by the customer is correct.
Not used for this process element.
For examples: verify customer name, validate customer account number, identify the association of customer and billing account.
The purpose of Verify Customer Bill Inquiry process is to verify whether the information sup-plied by the customer is correct.
Not used for this process element
This is an initial triage, usually carried out by the first line of suport. In many cases, if the customer does not frequently dispute, if the value of the inquiry is small and the customer value is high, then the Inquiry may be accepted and a rebate given without further contact with the customer. The investigation may proceed if the issue could be more widespread or systemic.
Verify Customer Bill Inquiry process is to verify whether the information supplied by the customer: * is accurate, * indicates that something is incorrect and warrants investigation.
Not used for this process element
Not used for this process element
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model