Category: (6) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
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Maturity Level: 3
Trading are the process buying and selling of voice and data capacity. Routing are the process negotiates the delivery path of traffic from one carrier’s network to another.
Trading and routing are interconnect processes that are bound together through various interconnect agreements, especially pricing agreements. Trading revolves around the buying and selling of voice and data capacity. Routing involves the delivery of traffic from one carrier’s network to another. Based on the agreement type, the interconnect billing process is handled differently: i) Bi-Lateral Agreement: Each party agrees to exchange digital communications traffic with the other party over its Network at the Interconnection Points and/or in one or more direct interconnections. Payment settlement among different partners happens on monthly or bi-monthly basis as per the agreement. Invoicing & Balance Settlement. ii) Uni-Lateral Agreement: One party sends their traffic to other party's Network at the Interconnection and does not take traffic back from other party. Invoicing.
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