Category: (7) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 3
Determine the party account or party specific pricing, charges, discounts, and taxation that should be delivered on the bills/invoice for a party.
Apply Party Pricing, Discounting, Adjustments & Rebates to Party Account determines the party account or party specific pricing, charges, discounts, and taxation that should be delivered on the bills/invoice for a party. In certain countries it is standard practice to outsource sub functions of tax determinations to specialized external parties. An adjustment is a transaction that debits or credits a party's account by changing the amount due for a bill/invoice item. Adjustments can also change non-currency balances in the account. There are many reasons to apply adjustments, such as goodwill and mistakes. An adjustment may also be in the form of a credit memo that is issued because a party returned goods to the enterprise, or there is a pricing dispute, or a marketing allowance, or other reasons under which the party will not pay the enterprise the full amount of the bill/invoice.
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