Category: (5) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 3
Communicate the revenue to be shared to processes and/or one or more parties with whom revenue will be shared.
Provide Party Revenue Share Notification communicates the revenue to be shared to processes and/or a party with whom revenue will be shared. The notification would include the revenue to be shared for all product offerings. For example, to Party Revenue Sharing Reconciliation for reconciliation with a received bill/invoice, to Party Payment Management to make a payment to another party, or to a party so that they can reconcile what is to be shared before sending or receiving an bill/invoice, or before sending a payment. The notification could serve as an alternate to a bill/invoice if agreed by the parties involved, including an enterprise who sends/receives the notification.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model