Category: (2) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 4
The Fraud Management process entry point is further disseminated into 2 sub functions: Policy Management and Operations Support
Fraud Management is chartered within an operator to conduct 2 primary functions within the operator’s business model: Create and maintain a fraud policy (enabling methods, activities, and other procedures to detect, prevent, and manage discovered fraud instances within the operator), and support of fraud operations (creation and management of rules, lists, tools/solutions used for detections, staff education, etc.). The objective of the Fraud Management in general is to detect fraud risks, activities, and other violations, as well as to detect and prevent the re-surfacing of known fraudulent activities, individuals, and syndicates. Proactive detection processes are preferable to reactive mitigation and management of existing fraud, hence the importance of policy and support functions to provide tools to operational components in the enterprise to prevent fraud before it becomes harmful to the business. Inevitably, reactive processes must also be supported, as fraud tactics are in a continual state of change, posing a constant threat to operators.
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This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model