Category: (4) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level: 3
Manage the lifecycle of bills/invoices and perform bill/invoice trend analysis beyond bill & invoice generation. A bill is a notice for payment which is supposed to be preceded by an invoice in most cases. An invoice typically does not summarize to total outstanding payment or payments due. A bill typically contains the payment due date and balance.
Party Bill/Invoice Management manages the lifecycle of bills/invoices beyond bill & invoice generation. A bill is a notice for payment which is supposed to be preceded by an invoice in most cases. An invoice typically does not summarize to total outstanding payment or payments due. A bill typically contains the payment due date and outstanding payment or advanced payment. Party Bill/Invoice Process Management makes certain that there is capability so that the Bill Invoice Management processes can operate effectively. It also designs and develops an enterprises invoicing process. Party Bill/Invoice Control establishes and maintains party bill invoice formats, and any interaction with specific parties to modify the format. It maintains lists of parties who are eligible for receiving bills/invoices. Party Bill/Invoice Lifecycle Management generates bills/invoices for products that were provided by an enterprise on behalf of another party. It also receives bills/invoices for products that were provided by another party on an enterprise's behalf.
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