Category: (3) eTOM Process Type
Process Identifier:
Original Process Identifier:
Maturity Level:
Manage all activities and stakeholder engagement to develop and agree on a marketing campaign and the selection of appropriate channel or channels to support delivery of the campaign.
Develop Marketing Campaign manages all activities and stakeholder engagement to develop and agree on a marketing campaign. It also interacts with Marketing Communications to develop campaign messages and Product Offering Promotion Development to create product offering promotions associated with the campaign. The criteria used to identify the customer and other parties targeted by the marketing campaign are defined. Develop a target list of customers and other parties that will be contacted as part of the campaign. Describe the marketing campaign proposition which that will be addressed to each market sub-segment in terms of discounts for associated product promotions, requested effort, and validity period. Design the marketing campaign workflow which includes establishing and scheduling waves, or periodical steps in the campaign. Each wave is designed to take into account repsonses from those targeted by the campaign.
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