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Frameworx Information: ServicePackageSpecAtomic

Alternate Name: Service Domain::Service Specification ABE::CustomerFacing ServiceSpec ABE::Service Package ABE

Category: [a] Class


A ServicePackageSpecAtomic object models different ServicePackageSpecs as a set of different instances of individual, independent CustomerFacingServiceSpecs. This is fundamentally different than the ServicePackageSpecComposite object, which is used to model one ServicePackageSpec as the combination of other existing ServicePackageSpecs (as well as providing its own extensions).\n\nFor example, GoldPackageSpec is an individual packaging of services, and is therefore an instance of the ServicePackageSpecAtomic class. If there was a service offering that combined the services defined by the GoldPackageSpec with those defined by another ServicePackageSpecAtomic class, such as the PlatinumPackageSpec, then that combination could be aggregated together, forming an instance of the ServicePackageSpecComposite class.\n

[a] Class ServicePackageSpecAtomic


  • Information Framework 12.0 Addition

Frameworx Domains

This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:48