Alternate Name: Resource Domain::Resource ABE::LogicalResource ABE::TIP Logical Resource ABE::Network Resource Fulfillment ABE
Category: [a] Class
This object class is the superclass of the CTP (ConnectionTerminationPoint) and PTP (PhysicalTerminationPoint) object classes. \nTP encapsulates object characteristics common to both CTPs and PTPs (i.e., common to end points (actual or potential) of Subnetwork Connections, Topological Links and Flow Domain Fragments). \nThe layer rate of the TP is expressed in terms of the Transmission Parameters list attribute. \nSee R_TMF518_NRF_I_0005 and R_TMF518_NRF_I_0006. \nFor Connectionless Port Termination Points (CPTP) in connectionless network see R_TMF518_NRF_I_0016.
This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model