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Frameworx Information: SecVulnerabilityMetricValueDefnMbr

Alternate Name: Enterprise Domain::Enterprise Risk ABE::Enterprise Security ABE::Security Vulnerability ABE::Security Vulnerability Scoring Definition ABE::Security Vulnerability Scoring Algorithm ABE

Category: [a] Class


A type of SecVulnerabilityScoringAlgorithmMember that indicates the value of the associated SecurityVulnerabilityMetricValue should be used at this point in the algorithm. \n \nNotes: For example, Access Vector = case of Access Vector value of L: .395, where L is the value of the Acess Vector's security vulnerability metric value; A: .646; N: 1.0.

[a] Class SecVulnerabilityMetricValueDefnMbr


  • Information Framework 12.5 Addition

Frameworx Domains

This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:48