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Frameworx Information: ServiceLRDependency

Alternate Name: Service Domain::Service ABE

Category: [b] Association


This is an associationClass defined in the DEN-ng Service model. It represents the semantics (e.g., exists, uses, and other relationships) that exist when a LogicalResource is used to help supply or support a particular ResourceFacingService.\n\nPlease see the DEN-ng Service model for more details.\nThis aggregation defines the set of LogicalResources that are required for this particular ResourceFacingService to function correctly.\n\nThe LogicalResourcesImplementRFS aggregation is active in nature - it signifies an active whole-part relationship between a set of LogicalResources and a ResourceFacingService. Put another way, this latter aggregation is used to identify the LogicalResources that are used so that a ResourceFacingService can function.\n\nThe cardinality of the LogicalResourcesImplementRFS aggregation is 0..n on the aggregate side, because PhysicalResources can be installed which use LogicalResources before a ResourceFacingService is actually implemented. AResourceFacingService can have zero or more PhysicalResources and LogicalResources for it to be instantiated. Hence, the aggregations has a 1..n cardinality on its component end.\n

[b] Association ServiceLRDependency


  • Information Framework 12.0 Addition
  • Information Framework 12.5 Modification

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This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:51