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Frameworx Information: Service

Alternate Name: Service Domain::Service ABE

Category: [a] Class


This is an abstract base class for defining the Service hierarchy. All Services are characterized as either being possibly visible and usable by a Customer or not. This gives rise to the two subclasses of Service: CustomerFacingService and ResourceFacingService.\n\n \n\nServices are defined as being tightly bound to Products. A Product defines the context of the Service, Service and its related entities (e.g., ServiceSpecification, ServiceRole, and so forth) are related to entities in the Resource, Product, and other domains through a set of relationships.\n\n \n\nA Service represents the object that will be instantiated. Each Service instance can be different; therefore, Service is limited to owning just the changeable attributes, methods, relationships, and constraints that can be instantiated. The invariant attributes, methods, relationships, and constraints that can be instantiated are defined by a ServiceSpecification.\n\n \n\nThe purpose of this entity is twofold. First, it is used to define attributes, methods, and relationships that are common to all Services. Second, it provides a convenient point to define how Services interact with other parts business entities.\n\n \n\nService is a first-class entity, inheriting directly from ManagedEntity. It is therefore a sibling with Resource, Product, and other first-class entities. Note that the CIM models Service as a subclass of LogicalElement, which is a subclass of ManagedSystemElement, which is a subclass of ManagedElement (which is equivalent to ManagedEntity).

[a] Class Service


  • Information Framework 12.0 Addition
  • Information Framework 12.5 Modification

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This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:48