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Frameworx Information: ResourceRolePartyRoleDetails

Alternate Name: Resource Domain::Resource ABE::LogicalResource ABE

Category: [b] Association


This class defines the semantics of the ResourceRolesManagedByPartyRole association.\n\nThe ResourceRolesManagedByPartyRole association defines the set of ResourceRoles that are managed by a particular PartyRole. Oftentimes, there are important functional differences between different types of Resources that require very different skill sets, methods, and so forth to be used by the PartyRole that is managing that Resource. For example, different management personnel may be assigned to manage core routers compared to edge routers. This applies not just to the router as a whole, but to its physical (e.g., line cards) and logical (e.g., DeviceInterfaces) components as well. This class captures these semantics.\n

[b] Association ResourceRolePartyRoleDetails


  • Information Framework 12.0 Addition
  • Information Framework 12.5 Modification

Frameworx Domains

This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:51