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1.7.5 Financial & Asset Management

(1) eTOM Process Type Financial & Asset Management (2) eTOM Process Type Financial Management (2) eTOM Process Type Asset Management (2) eTOM Process Type Procurement Management

1.7.5 Financial & Asset Management

Diagram Description

The Financial, & Asset Management (F&AM) process grouping focuses on managing the finances, and assets of the enterprise. Financial Management processes include Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Expense Reporting, Payroll, Book Closings, Tax Planning and Payment etc. Financial Management processes collect data, reports and analyzes the results of the enterprise. They are accountable for overall management of the enterprise income statement. Asset Management processes set asset policies, track assets and manage the overall corporate balance sheet.


This was created from the Frameworx 16.0 Model

Created from the TM Forum Model Frameworx 16.0.0 on 6/13/2016 at 22:06